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Congressman Van Drew Demands NJBPU Investigation on AC Electric Increases

Washington, DC - Today, Congressman Van Drew sent a letter to the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) demanding a public hearing to allow South Jersey residents to voice their concerns over the outrageous spikes in their electricity bills.

"I have heard from thousands of constituents across the district who have seen their energy bills skyrocket compared to last year with no explanation as to why," said Congressman Van Drew. "We must get to the bottom of what is driving these unreasonable increases, whether it is linked to offshore wind turbines, smart meter installations, or something else entirely. There needs to be a thorough investigation with a public hearing, and until we have answers, any energy hikes should be immediately halted. South Jerseyans should not be forced to shoulder this additional burden, especially at a time when record-high inflation is already straining household budgets under this administration. I demand the NJBPU take immediate action to alleviate this strain and protect our residents from these unjust financial burdens."

Click here to read the full letter.