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Congressman Van Drew Introduces Resolution to Celebrate Memorial Day

Washington, DC - This Memorial Day, we commemorate the bravery, courage, and unwavering dedication of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the United States of America. Since our country was founded, over 1.3 million Americans have lost their lives defending our country and ensuring our freedom. On this day, we honor the memory of these brave men and women by upholding the values they fought for and supporting those who carry on their legacy.

With that in mind, Congressman Van Drew introduced a resolution celebrating Memorial Day by honoring our current servicemembers and veterans who carry on the legacy of our fallen soldiers with their continued commitment to protecting our great nation.

"Memorial Day is a time for reflection and reverence, a moment to honor the heroes who have given so much for our freedom," said Congressman Van Drew. "We must take time to reflect on the freedoms we enjoy and the tremendous costs at which they were secured. As we pay tribute to those who have fallen, we must also reaffirm our duty to support and uplift those who continue to carry the legacy of service by ensuring that they and their families have all the tools they need to thrive. I wish everyone a safe and respectful Memorial Day."

Click here to read the full resolution.