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Congressman Van Drew's Bill Deporting and Detaining Illegal Aliens Passes the House

Washington, DC - Yesterday, Congressman Van Drew's bill, the Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act, passed through the House of Representatives. This bill is part of a package of bills that have been passed by the House that reinforce immigration law to ensure that any illegal that assaults an American or commits a crime is permanently detained until they are deported. This bill was brought to the floor during Police Week, where we honor the sacrifice of the men and women of our law enforcement who lay their lives on the line every day to ensure our safety.

"As millions of illegal immigrants flood across our border under President Biden's weak border policies, I am making it clear that the American people demand consequences for the illegal actions of those who should not even be in our country in the first place," said Congressman Van Drew. "My bill ensures that when illegal immigrants assault the Americans who keep us safe, they will be detained, and they will be deported. Make no mistake: enacting legislation like this should not even be necessary, but under the current administration, it is. The Biden Administration has refused to secure our border, allowing millions of illegals to enter our country. Sanctuary cities and states and their weak-on-crime policies have allowed the worst of these illegal immigrants to create chaos in our streets by refusing to detain or prosecute them. So, we must take action ourselves to ensure the security of our citizens at every level. No harm to our law enforcement or any American will ever be tolerated, much less by those who have already broken our laws by entering the country illegally."

In support of Congressman Van Drew's bill, Speaker Johnson said, "President Biden and his administration have worked to systematically undermine America's principle of law and order by allowing millions of illegal aliens to cross our border. Our law enforcement officers risk their lives daily to keep our communities safe, and they shouldn't have to confront the added risk of being assaulted by illegal aliens who demonstrate a blatant disregard for our legal system and institutions. Congressman Van Drew's Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act conveys a straightforward message: if you come to the U.S. illegally and attack an officer, you will be detained and deported."

Click here to read the full text of the bill.