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Congressman Van Drew Slams NJ for Not Reinstating Unvaccinated Workers and Demands NJ Follows NY Supreme Court Ruling Immediately

Contact: Ashley Brown (202) 225-6572

Today, Congressman Van Drew issued the following statement in support of New York's Supreme Court ruling that reinstates all employees fired for being unvaccinated, but reiterated that nobody should have been fired in the first place and this ruling should be applied throughout the country.

"From the start of the pandemic, I have maintained the stance that Americans should have the opportunity to decide for themselves whether or not they choose to be vaccinated, without fearing repercussions," said Congressman Van Drew. "Thousands of Americans across the country were fired from their jobs at a time where inflation is at a 40-year high, where gas prices hit an average of $5 for the first time in our history, and where the increasing costs of goods and services are costing the average American family more than $8,000 a year. 

"This vaccine mandate has detrimentally affected the lives of so many Americans, and the ruling by the New York Supreme Court is the result of following the science and realizing that the vaccine, no matter how many doses, does not prevent the spread of COVID-19. Our military, our healthcare workers, our teachers, and everyone who was fired for maintaining autonomy over their personal health decisions must be reinstated in their positions. As the President said, the pandemic is over."