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Congressman Van Drew Calls on President Biden to Maximize Domestic Oil and Gas Production

Contact: Ashley Brown (202) 225-6572

Today, Congressman Van Drew called on President Biden to expand sanctions on Russia and increase domestic production of oil and gas. 

"Last night during President Biden's State of the Union address, he stated that he wants to 'buy American' and increase American manufacturing," said Congressman Van Drew. "Yet, in the midst of an unprovoked attack on Ukraine, the United States is continuing to purchase oil and petroleum from Russia. While President Biden's sanctions on Russia are a good start, they simply are not strong enough. President Biden and Congress must be focused on maximizing American production of oil and gas for our own domestic use as well as for our European allies who rely on Russian energy exports.

"The United States is more than capable of being energy independent and returning to the energy portfolio we had just one year ago. Russian oil and petroleum imports to the United States hit an all-time high in 2021, which is completely unacceptable. Therefore, I am introducing legislation to ensure that the United States is not reliant on Russia or any other foreign adversary for domestic energy use. My bill will prohibit any importation of oil and petroleum from Russia, and I call on our fellow NATO allies to do the same. We can provide these countries with an alternative to Russian oil by supplying it ourselves and can lower energy prices right here at home to ease the burden felt by Americans at the gas pump. 

"President Biden must take stronger and immediate action to increase energy production in the United States and ensure that we are not reliant on oil from a country that ignores international law and commits a blatant attack on democracy."