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Congressman Van Drew Announces the Opening of a New Veterans Clinic in Atlantic County

Contact: Ashley Brown (202) 225-6572

 Atlantic County, NJ – Today, Congressman Van Drew announced that a Veterans clinic in Atlantic County will be opening in the summer of 2023 to provide accessible health care to our South Jersey Veterans. Congressman Van Drew has been fighting tirelessly for the construction of this clinic and has been involved every step of the way.

The clinic will be located in Northfield, New Jersey and the new construction will be 30,000 square feet which is three times the size of the current clinic. This new construction will ensure that our South Jersey Veterans are not forgotten and our nation’s men and women who fight for our freedoms have accessible and affordable healthcare.

“Veterans have risked their lives and dedicated themselves to preserve and protect our America,” said Congressman Van Drew. “Our brave men and women deserve the highest level of care and to be afforded the right of easy access to healthcare. For far too long our South Jersey Veterans were forgotten about. They are every bit as noble, every bit as brave, and every bit as deserving as any Veteran anywhere in our nation. This completion of the new Veteran’s clinic in Atlantic County, South Jersey will allow Veterans to have access to three state of the art clinics between Cape May, Cumberland, and Atlantic Counties. I have pushed the administration and local leaders to ensure our veterans in South Jersey are taken care of and I am proud to represent South Jersey Veterans. This is a wonderful announcement for South Jersey and a huge win for our Veterans who will now be able to receive the care they deserve.”

This clinic will include primary care, women’s health, phlebotomy, specialty care, optometry, physical medicine and rehabilitation, and home-based primary care and care in the community. It will also be the only Veterans clinic in South Jersey that provides on-site radiology. This will greatly reduce travel times for our Veterans to access essential healthcare services. 

“I want to thank Director Vince Kane for being a true champion for the South Jersey Veteran community.” said Congressman Jeff Van Drew. “He has fought for the expansion of health care services for our Veterans and I am proud of the work we have done for the heroic men and women in South Jersey.”

Atlantic County