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Congressman Van Drew Addresses Ongoing Drone Incursions

Washington, DC -Today, Congressman Van Drew addressed the ongoing issue of unidentified drones following a night with a record number of sightings reported across the state from local officials.

"Almost a month has gone by, and we still have no answers from our government. The number of drones we are seeing is only increasing," said Congressman Van Drew. "While it has been verified that Iran does have three drone ships, new satellite images show they are currently stationed off the southern coast of Iran. This new information only brings us closer to figuring out what is really going on. It is unacceptable to hear the government contradict itself by saying they do not know who is operating these drones, while at the same time telling us there is no reason to be concerned. I remain fully committed to ensuring the security of the people of South Jersey and the nation as a whole."