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Van Drew Amendment to Strengthen Climate Change Bill Passes with Bipartisan Support

May 2, 2019
CONTACT – Mackenzie Lucas 1(202) 225-6572

  Today, the House of Representatives voted in a bipartisan fashion to pass Rep. Jeff Van Drew’s amendment to H.R. 9, the Climate Action Now Act, which would keep the United States in the historic Paris Agreement. The Agreement is a technology-neutral pledge by nearly every country in the world to reduce greenhouse gas emissions like the pollutant carbon dioxide. These pollutants have been found to be the driver behind climate change and its devastating impacts as a result of the rise in global temperatures. The Congressman’s amendment stresses the importance of avoiding and reducing losses due to climate change and the need for sustainable development.

 “The people of South Jersey know that climate change is real and that it impacts their quality of life,” said Van Drew. “They see that our streets flood almost every time it rains and they have seen that extreme weather events have become more frequent and more violent.  Superstorm Sandy is a painful reminder of this new reality and they expect us to act.”

The Climate Action Now Act was passed by the House of Representatives 231-190, with several Republicans voting for the bill and no Democrats in opposition. 
