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Rep. Van Drew Introduces the Ensuring Safer Schools Act to Protect Our Children

Contact: Ashley Brown (202) 225-6572

Today, Congressman Van Drew was joined by Congressman Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), Congressman Andy Barr (R-KY), Congressman Don Bacon (R-NE), and Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA) in introducing the Ensuring Safer Schools Act

"After the numerous, unconscionable events that have taken place in our schools across the country, it is way past time that Congress address the need for better security in schools," said Congressman Van Drew. "We protect our nation's leaders and celebrities with armed security, why not our children? There is nobody more qualified to protect our students than dedicated public servants who have spent their lives defending the people of this great nation. That is why my bill will prioritize the hiring of retired law enforcement officers and military veterans for school resource officers. We must protect our children and secure our schools, so students feel safe and parents breathe easier."

“I am grateful for Congressman Van Drew’s leadership on this crucial piece of legislation to enhance the safety of our schools," said Congressman Andy Barr. “The Ensuring Safer Schools Act would prioritize the hiring of veterans and retired police officers to protect our children and would promote engagement and trust between students and their school resource officers.”

“I can think of no better candidates than veterans and retired police officers to protect and secure our schools,” said Representative Miller-Meeks. “Our bill will provide a pathway for these individuals to become school resource officers, which will enhance school safety and protect students. Children must feel safe in the classroom, which is exactly what our bill supports.”


  • Prioritizes the hiring of veterans and retired police officers to ensure schools have enhanced security and protection. 
  • Recommends that School Resource Officers (SROs) undergo yearly tactical training and a mental health screening. 
  • Encourages schools to promote engagement between SROs and students through outreach events and activities. 

Click here to read the full text of the bill.