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Congressman Van Drew Introducing Legislation That Will Stop Proposal to Ban Gas Appliances in its Tracks

Contact: Ashley Brown (202) 225-6572

Today, Congressman Van Drew announced that he is introducing legislation that will prohibit federal agencies from banning any gas-powered appliances or devices commonly found in residential properties. 

"Millions of Americans, and thousands of South Jerseyans, own and operate gas stoves on a daily basis. This move from a Biden appointee to suggest that gas-powered stoves could be banned on a nationwide basis is effectively telling these Americans what they can or cannot do in the privacy of their own home," said Congressman Van Drew. "The American people are tired of unelected Washington bureaucrats attempting to dictate their daily lives. If Congress does not put pressure on this administration and fight these proposals head-on, Democrats will continue pushing these radical ideas until they become federal law." 

"States that have already begun implementing these arbitrary bans are using a loosely correlated report as the driving factor to push their woke agenda. My legislation will ensure that New Jersey is not the next state to implement this blatant governmental overreach."