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Congressman Van Drew Hits Back Against Anti-Science COVID Vaccine Mandates

Contact: Ashley Brown (202) 225-6572

Today, Congressman Van Drew issued the following statement in response to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recent vote to update their 'suggested' list of vaccines for schoolchildren to include COVID-19.

"The CDC knows that by updating their list of suggested vaccines for schoolchildren, many states will force children to get the COVID-19 vaccine, even though the CDC has even acknowledged that children are at low risk of infection and that the vaccine does not prevent the spread of COVID-19," said Congressman Van Drew. "States across the country will ignore the science and the will of parents, putting our children's education at risk. Test scores across the country dropped to its lowest levels in decades because of the left shutting down schools and teachers unions protesting the return to in-person learning. We should be celebrating students return to the classroom, not imposing additional barriers to hinder access to a public education. 

"This is why I am introducing legislation to ensure that states do not enforce COVID-19 vaccine mandates as a barrier of entry to a public education. Parents must decide what the best course of action would be regarding their children's health, not the government. I will continue the fight to preserve parental rights and ensure state governments are not usurping their authority."